Installing moodle 2

I use this tutorial : and jump to step 4.

On step 7, after chmod -R 777 /var/www/moodle, you have to open http://<your-ip>/moodle on browser for next installation.

i’ve got this error


showing that you don’t have php5-curl, php5-xmlrpc, and php5-intl. Do apt-get install php5-curl php5-xmlrpc php5-intl.

I skip for opcache-enable and click next. moodle-server-min-requirements

and moodle will automatically install all modules moodle-install-all-modules-success

Run to next step on, Database setting and continue to Suggestions: Enable Zend OpCache/Change Document Root.


Moodle is somehow slow, you can use php cache and mysql tuning suggestion on

Basicly you can use : for mysql tuning. It will give you some good recomendation to my.cnf.

and : apt-get install php-apc

to cache everything.